On the day of surgery:
Please be sure that all of your questions or concerns have been addressed. Feel free to call or email, because it is important that everything be understood before proceeding with any type of surgery.
Please fill out a drop-off form and a consent form before leaving your pet. The drop-off form is very important. Please be sure to:
- describe exactly the procedure that is planned, including left versus right and any small extra procedures that will be included.
- leave phone numbers so that you will be completely reachable during the day.
- note any recent changes, such as vomiting or diarrhea.
The consent form asks that you acknowledge the risk that is inherent with all anesthesia and surgery.
Do not feed your pet breakfast on the day of surgery. It is important for the stomach to be empty prior to general anesthesia. Please ask Dr. Arthur or your veterinarian for alternate recommendations if your pet is very young, weighs less than 5 pounds, or is diabetic.
Water is allowed until your pet is dropped off.
Please bring any medications that your pet is currently being given.
If your pet has any dietary restrictions, please bring a small amount of food, especially if we are planning to hospitalize overnight after surgery.
We routinely wait until after surgery, and often until your pet is completely awake after anesthesia, to call you. Even though we may ask that your pet arrive early in the morning, surgery and anesthesia may not be finished until later. Remember that we will call promptly to discuss anything unexpected, and we will call immediately if there is a problem.